Kalendář akcí

Past events

Smart Cities & Communities Info Day


European Commission services responsible for Horizon 2020 energy research - Directorates-General Energy (ENER), Mobility & Transport (MOVE), Connect (CNECT) and Research & Innovation (RTD), as well as the Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) - will organise the info day to present the topic to potential applicants to the calls for project proposals.

14th World Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition: Innovation for 100% Renewable Energy, In Harmony with the Environment

26.10.2015 - 28.10.2015

ICC Jerusalem International Convention Center

The forthcoming World Wind Energy Conference 2015 will focus on wind power innovation for a 100% renewable energy supply, in synergy with the environment and society.

The Business Booster 2015

21.10.2015 - 22.10.2015

Berlin Congress Center
ENTRANCE FEE - €500 registration until 31st July €500

KIC InnoEnergy is organising conference and exhibition The Business Booster (TBB.).

The Brussels Sustainable Development Summit 2015

19.10.2015 - 20.10.2015

Royal Academy of Belgium
ENTRANCE FEE - 395 EUR Early bird registration

Brussels Sustainable Development Summit 2015 combines high level political viewpoints with innovative technologies that will lead to sustainable solutions to combat global warming.
This conference is a unique opportunity for experts and generalists to make a valuable contribution to achieve the major sustainable development goals.

Public-Private Partnerships in Research Info Day


rue de la Loi 170, Brussels Centre Albert Borschette, rue Froissart 36, Brussels

Information day of the research ppps on factories of the future, energy-efficient buildings, green vehicles, and sustainable process industry will be held in Brussels on 16th October, 2015.

Workshop on financing energy efficiency in buildings, heating and cooling


The aim of the workshop is to discuss and showcase how available EU programmes and instruments can help cities and regions launch large-scale investments in energy efficiency of buildings and in the heating and cooling sector, using ESI funds and PDA projects.

8th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change

7.10.2015 - 9.10.2015

Univerzita NKUA Athény (budova Kostis Palamas)
ENTRANCE FEE - €500 Payment through credit cards is not acceptable

This year the Conference aims to contribute in increasing the world momentum for developing and implementing converging deep decarbonization pathways in the content of the forthcoming COP21 in Paris late this December 2015.

EU Brokerage Event on KETs in Horizon 2020


EU Brokerage Event on Key Enabling Technologies in Horizon 2020: Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials, Biotechnologies, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing