eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency

1.6.2015 - 6.6.2015


The Summer Studies are the backbone of eceee's ambition to deliver comprehensive evidence-based information on all aspects of energy efficiency. The Summer Study offers a mix of peer-reviewed quality paper presentations, informal sessions set up by participants on the spot, inspiring keynotes and just plain round-the-clock networking. All is fuelled by the energy of hundreds of participants who are passionate about energy efficiency and want to learn and share experiences.

The call for papers will be issued in late August/early September. Abstracts submission is scheduled to open early September, and abstracts are due 2 October 2014.

Abstracts will be invited under the following 9 panels:

  • Foundations of future energy policy
  • Energy efficiency policies – how do we get it right?
  • Local action
  • Mobility, transport and smart and sustainable cities
  • Energy use in buildings: projects, technologies, innovation
  • Policies and programmes towards a zero-energy building stock
  • Appliances, product policy and the ICT supply chain
  • Monitoring and evaluation: building confidence and enhancing practices
  • Dynamics of consumption

Learn more HERE.