Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Prague 2016

Czech Technical University in Prague and Czech Sustainable Building Society are pleased to announce that the 4th CESB conference will be held on June 22–24, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will be held under auspices of international conveners CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC and belongs to Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards World Conference SBE17 Hong Kong. CESB16 will contribute to UNEP 10YFP Sustainable Building and Construction Programme. 

Conference topics

  • Sustainable renovation of existing building stock
  • Industrial heritage regeneration
  • Sustainable urban development
  • Building design process
  • Materials and technologies for sustainable buildings
  • Decision-support tools and assessment methods
  • Sustainable building in education and research

Abstracts submission

Abstracts of 150–250 words in English shall be submitted electronically using conference system available at https://www.conftool.com/cesb16 by 15 August 2015.
All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee and presented at the Conference in oral or poster form will be published in printed book of proceedings. All published papers are going to be submitted for indexing in Scopus and Web of Science databases, as well as previous CESB proceedings.

More information and registration here.

22.6.2016 - 24.6.2016

Thákurova 7, Praha