Horizont 2020: Nově otevřené výzvy zaměřené na energetickou efektivitu

19. ledna byla vyhlášena série výzev z pracovního programu Horizontu 2020 pro roky 2016-17 v oblasti energetické efektivity.
Konkrétně se jedná o tyto:
- EE-02-2017: Improving the performance of inefficient district heating networks
- EE-06-2016-2017: Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy
- EE-09-2016-2017: Engaging and activating public authorities
- EE-11-2016-2017: Overcoming market barriers and promoting deep renovation of buildings
- EE-14-2016-2017: Construction skills
- EE-15-2017: Increasing capacities for actual implementation of energy efficiency measures in industry and service
- EE-16-2016-2017: Effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation
- EE-18-2017: Energy efficiency of industrial parks through energy cooperation and mutualised energy services
- EE-19-2017: Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions for energy efficiency
- EE-22-2016-2017: Project Development Assistance
- EE-23-2017: Innovative financing schemes
- EE-24-2016-2017: Making the energy efficiency market investible
Datum odevzdání: 7. června 2017.
Další informace naleznete na webu programu Horizont 2020.